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Application for Variance to the Fence By-law

Application Fee: $318.00

Applicant Information

Property Owner Information (If different)


Site plan including:

  • Location of al building and proposed buildings
  • Location of all entrances and exits to the buildings
  • All landscaping features, driveways and sidewalks

Drawing of proposed fence showing:

  • Design
  • Height
  • Method of contruction
  • Dimensions
  • Grading Plans (if applicable)

Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

I hereby authorized the Township of Scugog to inspect the proposed location at a reasonable time. Furthermore, I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that the fence is contructed as approved and I understand that failing to do so will result in the reconstruction of the fence.

How would you like to pay for this application?

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